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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Reflecting Hope Weekly Round Up

Ok so this is a little late, but I am hoping to do a weekly round up of blog articles that caught my eye on education that I think are worth others reading.  These were from last week.      

Paradox of the pink slip - Diana Senecahl explores how the Paradox of the Court relates to the school turn around strategy of firing more than 50 percent of a schools staff.  I had never heard of the Paradox of the Court before and found this article interesting.  

 Move Over iPad!  Google Chrome Notebooks are Going to Be the Game Changer in Education  - Lisa Nielsen discusses Google's new laptop program for schools and how it might change the way we do school.  I was not convinced    

On Time Horizons and Education OutcomesJeffrey R. Henig talks about how education policy has lost sight of the long run by focusing too much on short term results.  I think this hits home big time with our year to year performance tests and this idea of value added measurements for teachers. 

Carrots, Sticks, and the Bully Pulpit -Rick Hess shares the round up from an AEI conference exploring the strengths and weaknesses of federal government involvement in education.  I included this because the conference sounded interesting and I wanted to go explore the resources more. 

Check them out and let me know what you think.  Thanks for reading.