Whats in a blog name? The name of your blog is everything and yet nothing all at the same time. A name is important because it sets your brand and Seth's Blog says your brand is important. I thought about naming my blog after myself, but Joanne Jacobs cornered that market. I could have picked a really cool random word and coupled it with the word life, which is one of the most popular words in a blog name, but sadly Piepald Life was already taken. Even though a title is supposed to convey the essence of your blog, I wanted to keep it short and simple so The Smart Passive Income Blog was not going to work.
So what drove my naming decision? Ultimately it was my wife who suggested using the word Reflecting and Blogger's software telling me that after 15 other choices this combination of words was finally available. I am an optimistic guy so Reflecting Hope sounded good enough for me and is a name really that important?
Why blogging? For some time I have been reading blogs and admiring the opportunity some people have taken to use blogging as a way to Get Rich Slowly. Some people write blogs about Stuff Christians Like or put out their 2 cents worth on Bridging Differences. Others talk about Leading Smart or fancy trends in Pop Economics. I am a Lazy Man and Money is tight so I figured this was a cheap, fun way to practice my writing skills. A technology instruction class called Capstone, finally got me started on this project because I have to blog about my experiences in the class. I am hoping that I have the discipline to continue the blog beyond the end of the class. So here we go.
Great post Tom! You had me laughing at this post and I found myself checking out the links to other blogs as well. Made me think. Thanks, Anita