Reflecting Hope Google Analytics

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Student Research in the Classroom

Again, my random thoughts on the reading Student Research in the Classroom

When students conduct research in the classroom using the Internet they need to be able to do the following:

Develop evaluation criteria (I am not really sure what the author means by this. My guess is that they want students to set up some boundries of what to search for and what to look at.)

Search for research sources (aka use a search engine. In following some of the discussions in the course, I have noticed a desire by many teachers to get students to move beyond Google or Yahoo in their search habits)

Evaluate those sources (very important skill for students)

Use the sources for a purpose (creation of something with information)

Give credit for the sources they use (proper citation)

So lets look at some Web 2.0 directories

Kathy Schrocks's Guide for Educators

A nice collection of tools, most of which I knew about.

Top 100 Web 2.0 Tools of 2009

Decent list of tools, but again I know about most of them.

Go 2 Web20

Huge list, but difficult to figure out what each listed item actually does.

I am thinking that I will use a wiki tool to serve as a the creative portion of the lesson and then I will need to find some kind of search enginge, maybe even use a portaportal for the information gathering portion.

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