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Monday, June 13, 2011

Are Schools a Business or Government?

Our society is stuck between wanting our schools to be businesses and wanting our schools to be government.  I am not sure we can have it both ways.

How do we change governments that we don't like in the United States?  We vote for someone else to run the government.  If enough people don't like the way the government is running then we get new government leaders.   

How do we change private business that we don't like in the United States?  We don't give them our business.    If enough people don't like the business then it goes out of business.

Right now our public schools follow the government model via school boards.  I feel like more people want them to be like the business model.  How do you make that happen though?  How do you make schools a business when the bottom line is not revenue and profits, but people and learning?

What are your thoughts on this subject? 

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