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Friday, December 30, 2011

My Reader Feed

I met with a former professor recently and during the discussion we talked about sharing our reader feeds.  This is the write up on my reader feed that I shared with him. 

Personal Finance:
Get Rich Slowly - I believe this is the most popular personal finance blog.  It has a lot of good stuff although it was better when J.D. Roth, the founder was the only one writing.
Lazy Man and Money - personal finance topics plus some other things, I appreciate his writing style.

The Smart Passive Income Blog - I watched Pat take this site from just starting out to the $40,000 a MONTH site he has now, it has been cool to watch.  Excellent motivation for finding ways to make money passively.    

Spotlight on Digital Media - MacArthur foundation supported site that looks at digital media and learning

2,000 Hours - teacher trying to measure how many hours he spends on school stuff in a year not updated often

Video-a-day - short videos on topics that are taught in the classroom.  It usually has good stuff.  

2 cents worth - I think his name is David Warlick and he deals with all sorts of education and technology thoughts - this is the teacher using the game Minecraft as a teaching tool

Clive on Learning - A learning architect is what he calls himself, more focused on learning in the workplace

Eduflack - A school board member from NOVA area

The Quick and the Ed - blog from the Education Sector, they have a nicely daily round up called quick hits.

Joanne Jacobs - Writes quick summaries of major education stories.  Usually posts about 4 times a day and is about 24 hours behind the news cycle. 

The following are all from the Education Week website:
Bridging Differences - Debra Meier and Diane Ravitch write letters back and forth to each other
Digital Education- tech topics and trends in K-12

On Performance - I like this guy, but he is not writing very much currently
Rick Hess Straight Up - my counter to Bridging Differences.  I like his candor. 

Leading Smart - Christian Leadership

Seth's Blog - best read of my day by far 

Zen Habits - interesting ideas on simplifying life

The Blog of Author Tim Ferris - not sure why I subscribe to this one. 

Overflowing with MMMM - my wife's blog

Reflecting Hope - my blog

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